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What is the effect of wood moisture content on wood products

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Why do some wooden doors, wooden floors, wooden furniture and other wooden products have quality problems such as cracking and deformation after they are sold? Obviously these problems are closely related to the moisture content of the wood.

1. What is the moisture content of wood?

Wood and its products under normal conditions will have a certain amount of moisture. The percentage of the weight of moisture in the wood to the weight of the wood after drying is defined as the moisture content of the wood.

2. The importance of grasping the moisture content of wood

Why do some wooden doors, wooden floors, wooden furniture and other wooden products have quality problems such as cracking and deformation after they are sold? How to reduce the loss of these problems to the wood industry?

After the production of wood products, the shape and material will not change. At this time, the key factors that determine the inherent quality of wood products are mainly the moisture content and drying stress of the wood. Manufacturing enterprises need to correctly grasp the moisture content of wood products. When the wood product reaches the equilibrium moisture content, the wood at this time is the least likely to crack and deform.

Distributors who sell wood products should also test the moisture content of the products they sell to grasp the quality status of the products they sell. Choose manufacturers with good product quality, and all manufacturers who pay attention to product quality will test the moisture content of their products.

For high-quality departments purchasing wood products, with the continuous growth of professional knowledge, more and more attention is paid to the moisture content index of wood products. In the past, foreign buyers paid great attention to this indicator, and many wood manufacturers who made export products and semi-finished products had a deep understanding of this.

3. Is the wood dry, the drier the better? How dry should it be?

When wood is placed in a certain environment, after a long enough time, its moisture content will tend to an equilibrium value, which is called the equilibrium moisture content EMC of the environment. When the moisture content of the wood is higher than the equilibrium moisture content of the environment, the wood will shrink and shrink, and vice versa. Therefore, the drying of wood should be appropriate, not the more dry the better. Different regions and different uses have different requirements for wood moisture content.

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